Sunday, June 21, 2009

Did You Know Spackling Comes in Purple?

So here we are, opening our new facility, and everything is a little behind the opening date. I've worked in plenty of companies and always heard that line, "we're set to be finished construction in April", and then it's not done until September of the next year, and now I totally get it! We opened June 1st, and we're just getting by. We have dogs stashed here and there, and running on an amazing crew of volunteers. It's put together with gum and spit. So I'm there one day, and the city inspector has finally decided to allow us to keep the wall we've constructed for the front office (and not make us tear it down), and it looks a little dismal. I volunteer to paint the wall. I show up to start painting, only to find, that over half the drywall hasn't been screwed in to the frame. Wow. Me, a carpenter?

Luckily I've got a power screwdriver, but after the incident last month of falling off of the ladder trying to get the kitty off of the roof of the garage, I'm not too inclined to get onto a ladder and start screwing in a wall. Which, by the way, did you know that cats are perfectly able to get themselves down if they got themselves up there in the first place? It hurt pretty good falling off of that ladder. My elbow and shoulder still hurt from hitting the concrete driveway.

So thank God for other volunteers. Sarah's husband does some screwing in of screws, and I take a whole day spackling. I get to enjoy one dog bark the whole time. She misses her mommy who is in Ethiopia adopting a baby. I feel bad for her and give her a pet. I love volunteering and I love animal rescue. I think how can anyone abandon their pet? I returned a call from our hotline recently from a woman who took in a stray dog even though she's not allowed to have pets according to her lease. That was a year ago. Her landlord drove by 2 days ago, saw the dog in the yard and said get rid of the dog or move. He gave her 2 days. I asked if she could pay the landlord a pet deposit. She said the landlord said no, the dog had to go. I said we could probably help in 2 weeks, were there friends, family, coworkers, someone, who could keep her dog, that she claimed to love, for 2 weeks, until we can probably help. No, there was no one. I suggest that she could move to a pet friendly rental, which in this town there are plenty of. She said, get this, "I'm not moving because of a dog!" very indignantly.

So at some point I run out of spackling and leave for the day. I go back the next day and stop by Walmart and buy more. I get there and start spackling only to find that it's purple! Did you know spackling comes in purple? It looks really weird. And since we're painting the wall white, I'm hoping it won't make a difference. But I'm just happy to be there. I'm happy that our dog (and now cat) rescue has been so successful, and that we're opening up a place that we can have more space, and now a commercial business. So check it out folks! even though the wall isn't finished yet :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! And I love Pet Soup. Keep up the blogging....if I can figure out how, we can link to each other.
    So glad we're in touch. peace---tricia
